The population increased by 1.7% in 2020 – 84% of the increase was due to natural growth and 16% was from the international migration balance. The average fertility rate among Christians in 2018 was 2.06 children per woman, compared to 3.2 for Muslim women, 3.17 for Jewish women and 2.16 for Druze women. Teen births are uncommon in Israel, with births to women aged 19 and under accounting for 0.5% of national births during 2016. National military service is mandatory for any Israeli over the age of 18, with the exception of the Arab Muslim and Christian population (currently estimated at around 20% of the Israeli population) and many ultra-Orthodox Jews (currently estimated at around 8% of the Israeli Jewish population … Israel's vaccination drive is continuing apace, with more than half of the population inoculated with the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 52.92 percent of the population receiving their second jab, according to data released by the Health Ministry. “Ahead of 72nd Independence Day, Israeli population stands at 9.2 million,” Times of Israel, (April 26, 2020); The World Health Organization issued a report in May 2016 that concluded humans were on average living 5 years longer than they were in 2000. Although everyone over the age of 16can be vaccinated, many young people in particular are staying away from the vaccination centers. Life expectancy in 2020 was 83.5 years for all Israelis, 84.9 for women and 82 for men. Amir Alon. Approximately 50,000 people died in 2020, with more than 3,300 succumbing to COVID-19. “Israel’s population at 9,136,000 on the eve of 2020,” Jerusalem Post, (January 1, 2020); Certainly, the population size of the country helps. While the number of immigrants from most countries declined, those from Russia increased significantly. Israel was ranked as the country with the 8th highest life expectancy in the world, better than the United States, Canada, France, Russia, and other highly developed nations. Ofer Aderet, “For the First Time in Israel's History, Jewish Fertility Rate Surpasses That of Arabs,” Haaretz, (December 31, 2019); Israel welcomed approximately 20,000 new immigrants during 2020, down significantly from the 34,000 last year undoubtedly because of the coronavirus pandemic. Some 176,000 babies were born in 2020 (73.8% born to Jewish mothers, 23.4% to Arab mothers and 2.8% to mothers of Others). In addition to these numbers, there are approximately 170,000 people living in Israel who are neither citizens nor permanent residents. Tel Aviv is Israel’s densest region with 7,522 people per km2; Jerusalem has a density of 1,484 people per km2 and Bnei Brak is Israel’s densest city with 22,145 people per km2. Moreover, Maltz reported that many French Jews who moved to Israel have returned to France because of difficulty integrating into Israeli society due to the inability to master Hebrew and find jobs matching their skills. A study performed by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that one in four Jewish individuals currently live in a country other than the one they were born in. But, according to Atlanta Dr. Harry Heiman, Israel’s successful vaccination program is primarily due to its universal healthcare system. Israel’s population density in 2017 was reported as 373.2 people per km2. U.S. State Department. The country's Law of Return grants all Jews and those of Jewish ancestry the right to Israeli citizenship. Why Israel is leading the world in vaccinating its population. The most popular cities for new immigrants to settle down in during 2014 were Tel Aviv and Netanya, with 3,275, and 3,102 new immigrants settling there, respectively. Some 70.6% of Arab-Christians live in northern Israel today, while 13.3% reside in the coastal city of Haifa and 9.5% live in Jerusalem. Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman, “Number Of Jews In Israel And Worldwide On The Rise – Reports,” Jerusalem Post, (September 27, 2019); Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library, Number of Jews killed in the Final Solution, Total Jewish Population in the United States, © 1998 - 2021 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. The fertility of Israeli Jewish women in 2018 exceeded that of Arab women for the first time. To qualify as a Jew under religious law, an individual must have been born to a Jewish mother or have undergone an Orthodox conversion by rabbis recognized by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate.”. Those of European and American ancestry make up about 2.2 million (36%) of the Jewish population in Israel while Africans fill out another 14.5% and Asians are 11.2%. Ilan Lazarovich, As new year approaches, Israelis say they are happy, healthy, Israel Hayom, (September 5, 2018); The OECD average is 18.5% (0-14) and 15% (65+). Percentages for 2020 are of total Israeli population including non-Arabs. The nation’s most populous Christian cities are Nazareth (21,900 inhabitants), Haifa (16,100), Jerusalem (12,700) and the Galilee city of Shfaram (10,300). Israel’s population is considered young relative to the populations of other Western countries. In 2017, life expectancy for Arab women was 79.5 years and 77.4 for men. Some portion of the population counted as "working age" may actually be unemployed or not in the labor force whereas some portion of the "dependent" population may be employed and not necessarily economically dependent. Israel’s population is considered young relative to the populations of other Western countries. Retention of Israel's population since 1948 is about even or greater, when compared to other countries with mass immigration. Most immigrants arrived in Israel from Russia (38.1%), Ukraine (15.1%), France (11.0%), and the United States (10.7%). When the state was established, there were only 806,000 residents and the total population reached its first and second millions in 1949 and 1958 respectively. Out of the 14.7 million Jewish people in the world, 47% reside in Israel. Ofer Aderet. Distribution Of Israeli Jews over age 20 in 2020, 43% self-identify as secular, 22% as traditional but not very religious, 13% as traditional-religious, 11% as religious and 10% as ultra-Orthodox. Life expectancy for Israelis is 83 years, 81 years for men, and 84.7 years for women. Israel has 15 cities that are home to over 100,000 people. As of 2020, 28% of the population was aged 0-14 while only 12% were older than 65 years of age. “Israel’s population 8.972m on eve of 2019,” Globus, (December 31, 2018); “Israel’s population tops 9 million as Jewish new year approaches,” Times of Israel, (September 26, 2019); A Young Population The OECD average is 18.5% (0-14) and 15% (65+). 60% of the Arab population lives in the north. As of 2020, 28% of the population was aged 0-14 while only 12% were older than 65 years of age. It also supplies BioNTech-Pfizer with valuable data from the national vaccination campaign. For the first time, government data on survivors includes Jews from North Africa and the Middle East who were targets of antisemitic persecution. Zeev Klein, “Israel reaches another milestone as population crosses 9 million,” Israel Hayom, (May 2, 2019); The average earnings per household are NIS 20,027 gross (approximately $5,800). The overall fertility rate in Israel in 2020 was 3.01 children per woman. Ronny Linder, “New Report Shows Significant Discrepancy in Life Expectancy Between Israeli Cities,” Haaretz, (December 5, 2019); Eytan Halon, “Israel’s Christian population grows to 177,000 citizens,” Jerusalem Post, (December 23, 2019); Birth, Marriage & Divorce. The most recent results offer reason for optimism. This makes Jewish individuals the world’s top migrants. Just under half of the Jewish population lives in the center of the country, either Jerusalem or Tel Aviv metropolitan areas. The rate among Jewish women living in Israel and in Israeli settlement in the West Bank was 3.05 compared to 3.04 for Israeli Arab women. Israel was established as a homeland for the Jewish people and is often referred to as a Jewish state. Today there are 14 cities in Israel with a population of over 100,000. By comparison, Slovenia (who’s territory is roughly the same size as Israel’s) has a population density of 102 people per km2; Belgium (slightly larger than Israel) has a density of 364 people per km2. Since Israel’s founding, 3.3 million people have immigrated to the country, 44% of them arriving since 1990. Israel’s 9.2 million citizens are even less than Georgia’s 10.6 million, let alone the U.S. population of 331 million. Israel’s average age… [Population ages 16-64]) × 100. “Israel’s population up to 9.25 million, though growth rate, immigration down,” Times of Israel, (September 16, 2020); Judging by current population trend data, experts predict that the population of Israel will reach 10 million by 2024 or sooner. Note: Total does not include non-Arabs. NOTE: Dependency Ratio does not take into account labor force participation rates by age group. Israel’s vaccination rate is nearly 7 times America’s. Worldometer; The average fertility rate for 2017 for all developed countries of the OECD was 1.65. Another significant change in 2018 was a surprising reduction in the number of immigrants from France despite rising anti-Semitism in that country. The share of population older than age 65 in Israel stands at 12 percent compared to 23 percent for Italy, 28 percent for Japan, and 16 percent for the United States. Judy Maltz, “Number of Russians Moving to Israel Sees Dramatic Rise, American Aliyah Figures Drop,” Haaretz, (December 27, 2018); According to 2019 figures, more than three-quarters (77.5%) of Christians are Arabs, representing 7.2% of all Israeli-Arab citizens. “Israel’s population tops 9 million, including 45% of world Jewry,” Times of Israel, (May 6, 2019). According to a poll by the NGO Hiddush published in September 2019, 58% of Jewish citizens do not affiliate with any religious stream, 18% are “Zionist Orthodox,” 12% “ultra-Orthodox” (including 2% “Zionist ultra-Orthodox”), 7% “Reform,” and 6% “Conservative.”, Ultra-Orthodox Jews As Percentage of Population In 2011, the average age was 29.5 years as opposed to 27.6 in the year 2000. “Most of the immigrants coming to Israel from Russia and Ukraine in recent years do not qualify as Jewish under religious law, even if they are eligible for citizenship,” Judy Maltz noted, “To qualify for citizenship under the Law of Return, an individual must have at least one Jewish grandparent, a Jewish spouse or have undergone a conversion in a recognized Jewish community (it does not have to be an Orthodox conversion). In 2020, 78% of the total Jewish population were “Sabras” - born in Israel - compared with just a 35% native-born population at Israel’s independence in 1948. (thousands). Israel’s average age, however, is getting older. Israel boasts highest fertility rate among OECD nations, Israel Hayom, (November 13, 2017); Over half of the Jewish population are Israeli-born to at least one parent who was also Israeli-born. The majority of non-Arab Christians living in Israel are citizens who immigrated to Israel since 1990, together with Jewish family members under the Law of Return. Israel’s male to female population ratio is 982:1,000. Eytan Halon,” Israeli Population To Soar To 15.2 Million By 100th Anniversary,” Jerusalem Post , … Israel's Holocaust survivor population dwindling daily 2020, the year of COVID, saw over 14,000 survivors pass away. Israel Urban Population Currently, 93.2 % of the population of Israel is urban (7,940,232 people in 2019) Israel’s Population Near Nine Million on Eve of 70th Independence Anniversary, Haaretz, (April 16, 2018); Sources: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics; Maytal Yasur Beit-Or. Those identified as “others” (non-Arab Christians, Baha’i, Samaritans, Karaite Jews, Seventh-day Adventists, Messianic Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and immigrants from the former Soviet Union, who identify themselves as Jewish but do not satisfy the Orthodox Jewish definition of “Jewish” the government uses for civil procedures) make up 5% of the population (456,000 people). Average age worldwide for males is 28.4 and for women is 30.6 years old. Immigration & Naturalization Israel has become a world leader in COVID-19 vaccination. Israel is the 99th most populous country in the world, not including the over 250,000 illegal foreign workers and African migrants residing in Israel. (life expectancy at birth, both sexes combined), © Copyright - All rights reserved -, Countries in the world ranked by Life Expectancy, World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision, World Urbanization Prospects - Population Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In 2019, the population by religion was roughly 18% Muslim, 2% (177,000) Christian and 2% Druze. The Jewish population is 6,870,000 (73.9%) and 1,956,000 (21.1%) are Arabs. Nearing nine million: Israel in numbers on eve of 2018, YNet News (December 31, 2017); In contrast, one in twenty Christians and one in twenty-five Muslims live in a country other than that of their birth. Diversity & Growth A Young Population. The average age for an Israeli woman to be married in 2016 was 26.1 years old, and the average age for an Israeli woman to have her first child was 28.3. Jerusalem is Israel’s largest city, with a population of 936,047, followed by Tel Aviv-Jaffa (461,352), Haifa (285,542), Rishon Le-Zion (254,238) and Petah Tikva (248,005). The tweet was “liked” over 28,000 times and retweeted more than 10,000 times.