Le poids de la femelle Border Collie se situe entre 17 et 29 kilos et sa taille entre 47 et 53 centimètres. I have a 3 year old boy border collie and was lovely but in the last year and half he has become very agresive not to me well he snarls at me every now and then but one min he is fine next he gos for my 10 year old daughter and my 8 year old has not broken the skin yet but I don’t want to leave it till that happens we all love him but I love my children more I think I’m going to phone the vets not that I want to but don’t think I have any choice any more does this make me a bad person please help dawn. Filter. She barks at everyone who comes in and hides from people she doesn’t know. Ma petite chienne n’est pas dominante. Good luck trying the meds – they really don’t seem to be making a difference for us. Tootsie is pure love. you seem to be the only one in this thread who’s had any success…. Luckily she does not touch anybody’s skin. Elle adore les papouilles, se met spontanément sur le dos quand elle nous voit, fait pipi quand ses maîtres rentrent d’une longue absence. It’s a complete guide that covers step by step on how to deal with each behavior issue. The causes and reasons behind the dog growling, barking or even biting can vary depending on the situation. We also have 3 other dogs all older. Aggressive Border Collie puppy. HELP! We will probably do prozac also. Let me know if you want to talk privately. I have never let one of my pets go and am not sure what to do for her. Unless the dog is in physical pain or feels threatens, it will show signs of aggression before doing anything drastic (like attacking you or biting you). Nobody will adopt an elderly dog, and worse, he has behavior issues. Aggression is not a joking matter, especially with the larger dog breeds. But he was younger and I had hoped puberty would make her less aggressive towards him. She has been on them for about 6 months or a bit longer and they do not really seem to do much of anything. I’ve had trouble with biting issues with past dogs, and currently have an issue with a new (adopted) 5 year old BC, who nips ankles and feet. Many rescues won’t take on a dog that bits, and when they do it’s usually to assess them and then often to put them to sleep. (to be fair to our dog, the vet did cut too far and hurt him, caused him to bleed which really annoyed me) Any ideas on how to correct this behaviour as we really don’t like to leave him out when family is over (he whines at the door like he is excited) and as for the vet, well no one likes to see their dog that frightened. Give them all the necessary details and they will know exactly how to handle the situation. She is 40 lbs of joy! Since every bite was to the face, but really to the mouth and nose area, I know they were corrective/dominance bites. I have a year and a half female border collie. Today she snapped at my 23year old nephew. Ce n’est pas une peluche. Il y a pas mal de discussion à ce sujet sur le net. she was extremely difficult to socialize as a puppy. We tried a 2 month old female border collie this Christmas for our 6 and 8 yr old daughters. I wish you good luck. Conseil n°3: Lors des séances de travail, soyez sûr de vous, détendu et dans une optique de travail.Il est important de voir cela comme une mission à remplir, avec différentes étapes à franchir avant d’y parvenir. And I cannot understand what behavior he did that she was correcting, since he was laying on the floor petting her and she was completely affectionate and and content…laying on her side and wagging her tail…and then just whirling around and biting him. Le chien n’a évidemment pas sa place sur le canapé, JAMAIS! Sa place est au garage ou au chenil. Je le proméne en laisse lorsqu'il y a du monde: il devient " fou", tire sur sa laisse, pleure et dès que quelqu'un s'approche de moi ou des personnes m'accompagnant il n'hésite pas à montrer les dents, avec la queue entre les pattes. She hates being brushed, doesn’t necessarily listen well unless you’re stern with her, and if you’re unfamiliar to her, she will bite you if you put things by her face. Anyway, he was quick and was unharmed. Earlier in the day, she nipped at my 21 yr old daughter’s nose, but no bite mark. Eventually, despite some pushback from Border Collie fans, the breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1995. I have come to the city for 8 weeks where she has a decent backyard, for a city block, and I have started walking her twice a day. Elle a confiance en nous. Dans cette vidéo partez à la découverte du chien de race Border Collie ! I have a 3 year old Border Collie, and she is my first BC. She had never bitten me, but I did notice that she was no longer listening to my commands and I would have to go get her and make her obey me. Nous pouvons maintenant la sortir en ville (sans muselière) en étant prudent bien sûr. I have a eight year old boarder Collie that is a big sook. His whole face changes, he barks and comes at us, as if to bite us.I am even scared. Don’t let the behavior go unchecked because it will only get worse unless you do something about it. Prévenez-moi de tous les nouveaux commentaires par e-mail. Camassia Leichtlinii et Camassia Quamash: jacinthes d’Amérique du nord. He freaks. J’ajoute que si votre chien vient d’une ferme, il n’aura vu ni grand chose, ni grand monde dans sa vie et sa mère non plus. On ne caresse pas le chien sans raison. Help!! How do I stop my dog from nipping? For example, they all start with chasing, then nipping, then growling and then develop biting habit. I never have these issues when she is off the lead, but you cant have dogs off the lead when walking them. I don’t know what to do. This first became apparent after we had been running so I put it down to him being ‘hot and bothered’ but the following week he bared his teeth at my nephew, who was just sat on a seat several feet away from us. She is showing super amounts of agression to other dogs when we walk but no problems with the Staffy we are staying with, nor any other dog she has ever spent time with. Ce travailleur intelligent, docile, assez craintif et très tenace possède des particularités très spécifiques de rassembleur dû à ses antécédents de gardien de troupeaux. If you don’t feel confident enough to tackle the problem on your own or feel fearful of your dog, it is better that you seek help from a professional dog trainer. Also when dogs first awake, like children, they need to take time to “come around” first . She hates water and being brushed. He has always been best of friends with my stepson and this was totally unprovoked. She was not trained in anyway. All Border Collie found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Taking her outside, she started getting more aggressive, and bit our 6 yr old on the arm, putting two holes in the jacket, but not harming our daughter physically. Who is the aggression targeting? We got our border collie from a friends who could not keep her. Et cela dès les premiers jours. Il semble hypnotiser les bêtes qu'il doit mener, qu'il s'a… should’nt have a dog cause he looks pretty. Vous serez enthousiasmé par sa technicité, ses allures coulées et précises et le magnétisme de son regard. We didn’t get the pick of the litter we were hoping for, but will try for next time. she hides out behind the couch and will race out to try biting the back of their legs. Find the perfect Border Collie puppy for sale in Florida, FL at PuppyFind.com. Au contraire, c’est excellent pour que le chien comprenne la différence entre jeu et combat et qu’il accepte qu’on le touche pour le jour où il faudra le soigner. So if you have to put your familys safety before your dog, than thats a choice you simply have to make. Even bringing her back to the house from a walk, she would start nipping at my hand, which was scaring me. Playing kill the tennis ball as we are still working on bringing it back to me! Ici vous découvrirez mon jardin et mes inspirations déco. The truth is that once a dog bites someone seriously there are very few courses of action you can take. If your Collie does have a habit of jumping aggressively, then again, you need to take steps to control it. This dog was picked up by animal control so we do not know his history. Le Border Collie, mignon toutou noir et blanc, particulièrement à la mode, semblait correspondre à mes vœux. We love her dearly but she doesn’t mind very well. Bon, sauf pour les papouilles, parce que c’est trop bon, pour le chien et le maître. old pure bred border collie, I got as an 11 wk. Donc, quand il est petit, si vous ne lui faites tout de suite comprendre que la famille n’est pas son troupeau, il mordra les pieds, déchirera les chaussettes et les manches des pulls, essayera de vous empêcher de bouger, attaquera les vélos et skate board. We have had a couple of episodes of him biting but not breaking skin and to have this happen has made us realise that this is one attack we can’t ignore. He is deaf but I don’t believe that this is connected to his behaviour in any way. I know there is a food aggressiveness that has been developing between them lately and I am not sure what has made this happen… Anyway – my BC is currently on doggie Prozac as well as melatonin. Saisissez votre adresse e-mail pour vous abonner à ce blog et recevoir une notification de chaque nouvel article par e-mail. I am so sorry for your loss. There are several causes for aggressive behavior. Bonjour, j'ai un jeune border collie de 6 mois. Your email address will not be published. Originaire d'Ecosse, le border collie, bien connu dans sa version noire et blanche, est probablement un des meilleurs chiens de troupeau, vif dans son allure comme dans son regard, tenace, vigilant, jamais craintif ni agressif. Once you start training, teaching and leading your Collie, it will start viewing you as the pack leader. She always growls at strangers and it takes her a whole before feeling comfortable with someone. Dear Claire, She was a very lovable and affectionate dog and we all adored her. Don't miss what's happening in your neighborhood. Manatee County, Palmetto, FL ID: A100961. she doesn’t allow anyone into the house including my brother’s friends who have been around since she was a puppy and spend more time at the house than me. L'instinct de soumission du Border Collie en fait un animal complice avec son maître, docile et facile à dresser. Tootsie chose us, I was actually looking for another Black Lab as I had to put my baby down when she was 17! Cova is a very handsome approx 1 year old 55 lb brindle bundle of joy. old pup, who is having some real aggression issues. If your dog has developed dominance issues, then you will have to regain the “alpha dog” title. We have a second dog that is just over a year old. She charges at people who come to close to our house. Our border collie is 8 years old, and is a very well behaved dog almost all of the time. And BTW: anyone who wants to beat me up for putting her to sleep….don’t bother, I hurt so much that your words cannot make me feel any worse than I do. Thank you! Although I have been brushing my collie daily since a pup she has decided its not as good as it used to be and now shows her displeasure. The way you approach the situation greatly depends on the original cause. She hates being touched when woken up, but she’s fine you just say her name. She just gently moves away or suffers my attentions lovingly! Aggression is not a common trait in Border Collies in general, but it can happen. If you suspect that your Collie might be showing early aggressions signs, act immediately. Last visit, he soiled and wet himself when the vet took him away from me to just cut his nails and recommended we have him put under anaesthetic next time it needed to be done. I cant call a local dog trainer because I’m absolutely broke. Si vous n’avez pas de garage, il y a des grandes caisses à barreaux dans laquelle le chien se sentira chez lui. Whenever you feel things are getting out of hand, stop what you’re doing and leave the room. Quand il etait petit, il jouait avec d’autres chiens et il avait aucun soucis de comportement vis à vis de ses copains à 4 pates. I envy those who are able to do this with no problem. Dans l'idéal, le Border Collie n'est jamais agressif. A hyped-up border collie with energy to burn is more likely to become edgy than a tired out dog. At 13, he does not have that much longer. He has always been somewhat aggressive towards strangers most of his life. I feel for every one faced with this. Un besoin de grands espaces pour se dépenser. Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site. When dealing with an aggressive Border Collie remember that unlike other behavior problems this one can have serious consequences. La race du Border Collie se trouve dans la catégorie des chiens de taille moyenne. I am praying my little guy can learn to trust everyone like he does our family. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas , quand le chien aura plus d’un an ou peut être deux, vous pourrez lui faire des papouilles et jouer à des jeux de bagarre. If nothing else, and you must put him down, go to the vet and ask for help in doing this in kindly and humane manner. Before biting or attacking you, they generally show aggressive signs to warn you that they don’t like what you’re doing. Please if anyone has suggestions on how to deal with this. Ces règles seront à respecter toute la vie du chien Border Collie. I have tried other meds and nothing is working. I thknk she is a Border..he herds, is as sweet as can be and loves everyone until they come into my house. If you want to learn how to cure even some of the worst Border Collie behavior problems and the exact things you need for a happy, healthy and obedient dog, check out the Border Collie Owners Guide. Exercise your border collie. And the last bite was to my husband and it was very serious. Fortunately, his Dad knows that I am trying to deal with the problem and is letting it go. Sur un coup de sifflet, il sécarte et gère un large arc de cercle avant de se coucher sur un second coup de sifflet. (Most of the time) He has been accessed to having territoral aggression which we have learned to live around but lately he he very agressive with us when we go to leave the house. It’s also free to list your available puppies and litters on our site. I am so sorry about having to put your BC down. Je peux même lui enlever des tiques sans lui mettre de muselière (enfin…pas toujours). She is very loving, but extremely energetic. Si vous avez l'occasion d'assister à une démonstration de travail, n'hésitez pas ! It was not natural behaviour, she did not see it as something she could correct, and as she said there are many pups out there who want to roll and play around with young kids without the fear of biting. We stressed she could not be around kids. In the last month though, he has become quite aggressive towards people that he has known since I got him. After 4 months work I am seeing improvement, but it may be another year before he is ready to be around the general public. My vet had told me that they know within millimeters of where they are biting. Le Border Collie est un chien ayant besoin de grands espaces et d’énormément d’exercices physiques. The only bad things we can say about him is he not good around kids (we did not know any children when he was a puppy to socialise him with) and did nip at my niece once when she was patting him even though just a few minutes earlier he was loving being patted. I am quite confident she wouldnt hurt my daughter, theyre best mates. I’ve had the eldest for almost 4 years and the youngest for 4 months. We went so far as to call a dog behaviourist, and long story short, she said this was not natural, and take the dog back. Elle est maintenant plutôt douce et a trouvé sa place dans la famille. Anyway, good luck….you really might consider getting an expert on dog behavior. Aujourd’hui elle a 4 ans et nous ne lui faisons toujours pas confiance quand il s’agit de croiser des inconnus en particulier sur chemin étroit. J’ai fait appel à la comportementaliste alors que la chienne devait avoir vers 7 mois. My son says the dog is docile when I am not in the house..but he is still crated while I am gone. do anti-anxiety meds help!? Find Border Collie dogs and puppies from Florida breeders. She is apparently one of only seven such behaviourists in Canada, and we appreciated her honesty, as we could have ended up paying a lot of money trying to correct this with her. I would love to chat with someone going through the same thing as us. La caresse doit être une récompense. I have just come back from taking my 27yr old stepson to the hospital, as our 3yr old border collie just took a chunk out of his cheek and jaw! C9500 de chez Kuving’s: la Rolls des extracteurs de jus. Il ne doit, en aucun cas, rester enfermé dans sa maison. Some are a lot easier to spot and cure, while others will take time and will only be cured with consistent behavior training. Le thème a l’air vraiment important pour certains. I have had two rough haired collies and my last dog was a border collie and my dog now is a border collie who is 3. Occasionally a treat from my plate. Join millions of people using Oodle to find puppies for adoption, dog and puppy listings, and other pets adoption. If you feel in danger or are fearful that your dog might bite someone, please don’t hesitate to call your local dog trainer. Does anyone know what to do? I am scared with two young kids about this getting worse and worse. When we first got her our 8 year old lab and her got into a couple fights but then it stopped. Generally a Border Collie doesn’t get aggressive without showing early signs of aggression beforehand. She seems to be stalking the lab everyone she moves. Le border collie est un chien de troupeau, mais il aime aussi chasser. She’s extremely submissive so I take her out everyday to try to socialize her with strangers. I am not sure what I could have done differently and every day I wish she were still with us, but I could not risk another attack like that. But I feel you had no choice. Sa sélection, basée sur le travail, en fait un animal dynamique, actif et demandeur d’activités. Sans jamais perdre la concentration - jamais vraiment détourner le regard, sur un autre coup de sifflet, il continue à ramper en avant de nouveau. I have a border collie also. Good luck. He broke her skin and it did get infected. It is worse now because I just had my second child and I am home more with him. Crédits: Pixabay / 825545 5. I do know that she was locked up most of the time, but since we’ve had her here, she’s had almost complete freedom and plays a little rough with my other dog. We did obedience and sheep herding. “A dog is the only creature capable of loving you more than itself!”. I feel so sorry for you and your family, you obviously loved her deeply to have tried for this long. Mais j'ai un soucis : il se montre agressif envers les personnes etrangères. The people we got her from had many other groups interested, and were going to send her to a farm that specifically wanted her for herding. Très dévoué à son maître, réceptif à l'éducation car attenfif et intelligent, il est . It’s very rare for these dogs to get aggressive without showing early warning signs beforehand. Borders aren’t ‘aggressive dogs’ and they are not guard dogs or bred to fight. I shudder at the thought of having to be in your situation, but please know I do not blame you. I have a 2 &1/2 year old border collie. It seems that anyone he knew as a puppy, he is friendly towards. She got my husband twice when she was just a puppy, punctures but no ER visit needed. Mais avant cela, il doit avoir bien compris sa place tout en bas de la hiérarchie de la famille. Over the next couple of days, we kept her on a leash at all times. Shortly after that one, my 8 yr old was sitting across from the pup and she lunged at her nose. We see her herding traits come out before it happens. With the Christmas frenzy, did we give her the right chance and opportunity to blend in? A Collie will usually jump as a sign of dominance. Le Border Collie est un chien de berger tenace, travailleur, très docile, concentré, ardent, intelligent, très craintif, mais très peu agressif. affectionate, hated bein held and very fearful towards new people. Aggression is not a common trait in Border Collies in general, but it can happen. We do not want to give her up, we love her dearly. He came to us at 8 weeks so my BC has known him and been around him all this time. As I stated above, try getting a MUZZLE and a CRATE. Your collie is also finding her place in the “new pack” . We’ve had her since a pup and shes never been mistreated. My dog has know her all her life, and has stayed with her on numours occassions. I don’t know if the city life is best for them. Our pup is young and very afraid and shows his fear with aggression. Le Border Collie est un chien vigoureux, ardent, tenace, travailleur et docile. I had to put my 8 year old borer collie down last week, because of dominance biting. She was marvellous and it helped to confirm to my wife that we had to take her back. Par contre en famille, tout va bien. My latest boy is unfortunately so fear-aggressive that he won’t be rehomable – so I have decided to keep him. What you did, to take her in to be put down yourself, in a humane manner, is the only decent thing you could have done in this situation. its not there fault they lash out. So the first thing you must do is figure out what is the real cause for aggressive behavior. Look for these signs to warn you before your dog becomes aggressive: To learn how to deal with a dominant or disobedient Border Collie, I highly suggest you check out the Border Collie Owners Guide. I have a border collie blue merle,beautiful looking male but temperment not so good.I wish I could rehome him.he jugs 13yrs old.he really won’t left anyone go near him to brush him he shows this teeth and barks aggressively.what do I do.anyone have any advice.PLEASE. Je me suis un peu renseignée mais je n’ai lu et écouté que ce qui me convenait. We are praying we don’t have to do the same. Si son énergie est mal canalisée, il pourra alors devenir agressif, d’où la nécessitée de le dresser assez tôt. They are pack animals and should not be away from the family or other animals. Best of luck and with time and patience I hope all works out for you. My son turned around and grabbed the dog (told him NOT to do that) but then it turned into an all out struggle. But I still wonder if I could have done something wrong, and what it was. Elle ronfle toujours sur nos visiteurs (dans la maison uniquement, dehors elle s’en fiche) et même des proches (mais qui ont peur d’elle). He is otherwise very cuddly and loves my massages he gets given by me, with all your knowledge of various dogs are you able to offer any help on my situation. This is not costly. Cette règle est très importante et horriblement difficile à appliquer. We don’t understand why this is happening and not sure how to fix it. i’m sure you gave her the best life you could when many people would have given up on her!! she spends a lot of her time to herself behind the couch, i think they should block off access so she’s forced to be out and social but my parents are at odds about takin away her safe place. And Claire is correct; you cannot rehome a biting dog and no shelter will take them on, not after a bite of that serious a nature. He also absolutely hates the vet and we have to muzzle him for any visits. Chrismas day our house was manic, and she tried to bite someone she’d never met(we ha explained to the person what shes like and that she needs introducing properly, he thought he’d be the exception). but never have I had a dog this aggressive. Thats a very sad story, I feel very sorry for you and her, I know it must have been a very hard decision to make, try not to beat yourself up about it!! Border collie peureux agressif. Je n’ai pas fait de recherche réellement sérieuse sur ce chien de caractère et sur comment accueillir ce type de chien en famille. Adopt Border Collie Dogs in Florida. Il est trèsfacile de le dresser, c'est aussi un chien très attachant, mais il peut se montrer dominant. My oldest son has been staying with us and he has been around dogs all his life..the dog walked p and sniffed him..then immediately started to bite him. Last night my teenager jumped up off the sofa and the dog gt excited and jumped up and nipped him on the ankle. Ce chien est un grand demandeur de l'activité. She’s not usually as aggressive with me seeing as I spend a lot of time with her excercising, but this was really rough. My wife was heartbroken as she really was a cute loveable dog, but did not like kids. When she nips I grab her nose and say no. on walks she lunges at cars, birds, low flying airplanes. Toutefois, le Border Collie peut se montrer réservé, mais jamais agressif, avec les étrangers. Mais si un inconnu arrive ou un enfant, alors elle reprend ses comportements de chien dominant et dangereux (ou du moins qui font peur aux gens). Bonjour, j’ai un border collie de 5 ans qui est super agressif avec les autres chiens. For the first 3 months or so, the youngest was so friendly to anyone taht he came in to contact with, brushing up against them, just allowing themself to be stroked. He lives with the elder dog and I, but nobody else, so I’m unsure whether he has started to become protective over me recently, but I don’t understand why. She was born from dogs working cattle so she is no show dog but exceptionally muscular naturally and has more energy than most BC. I know it helped to save us from an emergency room and plastic surgeon, Absolutely!! C'est pourquoi il excelle dans les concours d'obéissance et d'agilité. Your dog can sense when a person is unsure and nervous and will be less likely to listen to you if you show those emotions. Très vif et très rapide, il déploie une grande énergie et possède un instinct de rassembleur.